What Does It Mean When A Product Is Labeled "Artisan Made".

What Does It Mean When A Product Is Labeled "Artisan Made".

So you must have come across one or two finely made products. These products must have been so eye-catching that you decided to check the label. There, you see "artisan-made."

And then you begin to wonder what it means. Fine, you know what an artisan is, and probably you must have thought it's just a product handcrafted by an artisan instead of a machine.

However, there is more meaning to that. First, the word "artisan" is not a label. Marketers often use it to denote a value-oriented premium in a downmarket economy.

It's just like going organic, and this organic is way beyond local. In a world where everything is easily made using machines, there are machine-made products everywhere.

Most artisans thought they wouldn't stand a chance with these products, so they stamped "artisan made" on them, hoping that someone would at least see the uniqueness in them.

Today, you'll be surprised that the quest for real artisan products was born out of a movement because people are tired of overly processed, mass-produced products linked to big corporations. It's safe to say they do not want the machine-made products made by these big brands anymore.

So what does it mean when a product is labeled "artisan-made"?

It means it is crafted by hand, not by machines. They are products that are custom-made by highly skilled craftsmen. You can find artisan products everywhere: on the internet, in local stores, and even in big jewelry stores around the world.

These products are made from bespoke materials, and some pieces are a combination of different materials. This way, no two designs will look the same.

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